Monday, January 7, 2013


Only a polish freak would be so seriously excited about this.

I have successfully ordered Clarins 230! Yes! Unicorn pee is en route to my house! I found a seller on eBay (let me know if you'd like their link) and I bit the *expensive* bullet! I decided to go on a huge no-buy, and this was my last splurge before this (ok, I might have to invest in Revlon's Royal). Many many swatches will be coming soon!

So ya.... I was happy and I wanted to tell some one who cared. I have no friends like this, so I told me other group of best friends- you guys! I'll see you guys in the later post!


  1. Haha, congrats! I couldn't justify spending tons on clarins, so I got max factor fantasy fire which successfully killed the lemming :) except I could only find mini bottles, so I now have three!

    1. Yay! the seller i found for the Clarins ended up being $45 in the end, which is not as bad as some of the $200 options i saw, but definitely not the most ideal price point. I can't seem to find the Max Factor anywhere online for cheap, and if i were to get multiples it would have cost me way more. Decided to go with the original in the end :)
